Co-creating New Narratives and Possibilities
Are you needing a new perspective to reframe a challenge? Do you know how your customers and employees really feel and what they want? Do you struggle to connect your message with your stakeholders? Can you inspire others to commit to change? Have you convened diverse voices and made them feel included in the future you imagine?
We work with Individuals and Groups to deepen their awareness of what is possible through dialogue and respect for difference.
We do this by:​​
Creating a safe and inclusive environment with time for connection, context and perspectives to be heard
Crafting collective experiences to write shared stories
Managing the creative energy of collaboration and difference to push the boundaries of possibility.

A national agency was seeking to understand how to provide equal opportunities for local citizens in an increasingly expatriate and competitive employment landscape
We convened a tri-sector dialogue with Government departments, Not-For-Profit and Private Sector leaders to explore collective practices for recruitment, development and promotion of leaders.
The result was a greater awareness of the national agency's agenda and development of shared practices to promote local citizens.
A FTSE 100 company wanted a wider cross section of its leadership to gain greater insight into the personal and strategic challenges of its clients ​
We developed a 1-day workshop convening clients from different sectors and portfolios to enter into deeper dialogue with each other and the leaders in small groups and panel conversations for understanding.
The result was deep empathy and insight into the human-centred challenges that led to the development of innovative responses and new channels for engagement.

A FTSE100 packaging company needed mid-level leaders to gain greater insight and ownership of the company's new purpose and actively engage to lead the sustainability agenda.
We convened a dialogue with the CEO, experts and advocacy groups to hear the different perspectives in order to understand the real issues.
The result was a deeper connection to the stakeholders and advocacy groups and the commitment to collaborate to bring about change in local business units.
Do you need some stillness and space to think? We are here to listen and explore.
Take the first step today.